LFSeitzBooks offers various services to help writers looking to publish the traditional route, as well as those choosing to publish independently.
**Payment will always be taken ahead of time and returned if it is not delivered by a previously discussed date.
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ApplePay, & Venmo
Beta Reading • $100
This service includes a reading of an unpublished manuscript and getting a review from LFSeitzBooks. (done on a separate document) This review would consist of the following;
Impression of the book from a reader’s perspective (How the characters come off, how the scenes read, and what emotions are portrayed during significant parts in the manuscript)
Identify issues with
The overall flow of chapters and the development of characters​
Price adjustment for books over 200,000 words will be discussed upon contact
Beta Reading (non-book) • $5 per page
This service includes reading a form of writing and looking for basic errors and phrasing. LFSeitzBook will give feedback on the overall feel of the piece, and if there are any inconsistencies or confusion in regards to the information written.
Reading Edit • $75
This service consists of a reading of an unpublished manuscript and LFSeitzBooks will review it. (Written within the document) It includes the following;
Spelling and Grammar (simple finds)
Inconsistencies in descriptions, characters, storyline
Look for patterns with repetitive words, phrases, or things that might seem redundant.
Story flow and movement
Questions that readers might ask about (people, places, things)
Price adjustment for books over 200,000 words will be discussed upon contact
Beta Edit • $130
A combination of both a Beta Reading and a Reading Edit as seen in services 1 and 3.
Book Review
This service includes a reading of your published book and a review of it. (Either a digital/paper copy of the book will be given or compensation for buying the book will be added to the fee.)​
Single Review • $10 - This is done on a book-buying platform of your choice. LFSeitzBooks will write a review. (Honest reviews only)
Additional reviews • $10 - Copy and pasted, ($15) All originally written per platform
Instagram Promotional Review • $25 - This will be a review LFSeitzBooks will write accompanied with a photo post on their personal Instagram, and a link to the Author.
Blog post and blast review • $30 - This will consist of an entire blog post contributed to the book, along with a made Blog post cover. The post will be put on LFSeitzBook's personal platforms. (Website, Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest)