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"I wish I was a reader."

Leonora Seitz

First of all- you area reader, everyone is a reader. You just haven't found the write book. I can't even count how many times people have said this to me. How many times people have asked me for recommendations in hopes my love for reading will some how rub off on them.

Never fear! Lee is here.

This is going to be a some what generic guide on how to find the book or genre right for you! Everyone is different and me simply recommending the books I like might drop you into a hole of hopelessness when you realized you are bored reading it. Everyone has different tastes and I am here now to help you find out what yours is.

Let's start with what we know.

What are your favorite movies? TV shows? Did you read books as a kid? Ot's often easy to start there to get a feel of what genre we might want to start with. Love Horror movies? Romance? Cooking? Look at what you already love and begin with that when it comes to starting to literature adventure. It may not feel as intimidating then. Or start with what you loved as a kid, you might still find those same books interesting, look into that genre and maybe that will lead you to your new read.

Start small and popular.

You find the genre but you don't know where to begin? Start with best sellers and begin reading blurbs. (this can be tedious but it's how we all find books we like) Read the comments on the book, read the reviews, you can even watch video reviews if you so choose. Once you find one you maybe check out how long it is? Don't choose something to intimidating. A book over 400 pages might discourage you all together. Maybe look into short stories and find you way from there.

Movies based on books.

If you really love a movie you have watched maybe check and see if it was derived from a book. Lord of the Rings, The Mummy, The DaVinci Code, the Lucky One, all adaptations of books. Majority of movies come from some sort of written novel, it is worth a short to check it out.

Don't get discouraged.

We all start books we end up not liking, or falling asleep on before we get to the second fifth chapter. That. Is. Okay. That happens to everyone. So what if the first book you choose ends up being boring, try again. though some books take time before they get interesting, so don't give up so easily. I always have a rule of 3rds. I will read a third of the book and if it still isn't enough to keep me interested I'll move on. (Sadly I have a book graveyard where I keep those who didn't make it) Everyone does.

Ebooks are your best friend.

If you aren't sure you are going to like a book, or unsure if you want to spend the money, get the ebook. They are the cheapest option and won't put a hole in your wallet if you end up having to buy a few before finding one you truly enjoy. You can get them on your phone, laptop, iPad, or computer. You can even buy a nook or book reader to carry with you that has them all on there.

Not all stories are golden.

I have plenty of books I have read that I didn't absolutely LOVE, but they were still good stories and I was invested. Sometimes we call this the reader high. (I do- I call it this.) You have a series you read in the matter of days and it was literally the best you have every read. Then- nothing. You can't find anything that compares, everything else is trash (not really) compared to the high that story gave. Give. Yourself. Time. You will get over it and you will find another book.

Don't give up.

You can be a reader. You can live a thousand lifetimes in the span of a decade if you try. It's a beautiful feeling to go on an adventure right in the comfort of your home. To save the kingdom, the world, the universe all inside your head. It's truly wondrous to create a whole story all inside your head. All you have to so it try.

Do you like;

Underworld? Try Vampire Academy by Rachel Mead, or Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

Harry potter? Try Miss Peregrine's Peculiar Children Series by Ransom Riggs, or The Magicians by Lev Grossman

Greys Anatomy? Try House of God by Samuel Shem, or The Queen of Hearts by Kimmery Martin

The Notebook? Try literally ANY Nicholas Sparks book INCLUDING The Notebook, or The Fault in our Stars by John Green

The Conjuring? Well Stephen King is a staple in this genre. Try The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson, or House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

NCIS? Try Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, or Claire Dewitt and the City of the Dead by Sara Gran

Tomb Raider? There are many books called Tomb Raider, all with similar premise of the movie. But if you are looking for action and adventure try Backlash by Brad Thor, or Rules of War by Matthew Betley

I hope some of this helped, but if you are still having trouble finding something feel free to reach out to me on any of my social media platforms and I would be more then happy to help you find something.



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