I thought about writing this in the third person, as most Authors do to give the impression that someone else is doing all this bragging about them but I'm just not that type of girl.
My name is Leonora Seitz and I have been a dreamer since I could talk. I dreamt of castles, warriors (my next-door neighbors and older brother), and monsters lurking from the shadows (My first dog Rex). I have always been a fan of the make-belief and find myself lost in it more than I should be (please don't look at my laundry piles). I started writing when I was 14, and because I had chosen my career already I always assumed writing and wandering through my imagination would always just be a secret hobby. Then I finished writing my first book trilogy when I was 20 and I wondered, what now? Despite the fear of the unknown I decided to build a name for myself and finally publish my books. They deserve to be seen and heard, and I am beyond grateful to have you here to share that with. I currently live in Southwest Wisconsin with my husband and our furry demons, Calcifer, and Bailey.
I enjoy writing young adult and adult fiction novels, mostly fantasy and sci-fi. I usually write from the first person but I have dabbled in the third, and almost always from a woman's perspective. I have done a few male points of view though. I also write fanfiction once in a while, whenever I feel the urge and poetry.